“Using the numbered buses has taught me a lot about the culture, the people, the streets and life in Lebanon. I just wanted to commend you on this initiative and wish you all the best! Beirut is most definitely #BetterByBus ❤”
Month: May 2016
Interview: BMP in Banapook
“Though it sounds trivial, one of the main reasons the middle-class has notoriously avoided using Lebanon’s bus system is simply a matter of labels and maps. Where does this one go? Where are the bus stops? [..] What’s admirable about Lebanon’s millennials is that they aren’t naive to expect too much from public bodies and tend to proactively find alternative solutions.”
Thanks for the feature, Bananapook! <3
It’s interesting to reflect on the pragmatism that motivates us at a time when there’s a real chance that the same can-do spirit might make public policy more welcoming of our generation. Our vote is with all of you hopeful people. Good luck to us all!
#BetterByBus? What Twitter Thinks
There’s been a lot of activity on a Twitter hashtag about the bus in Lebanon that we initiated the other day. We’ve noticed much sarcasm, but also, quite a few good insights and ideas — what do you think?